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10 Strategies to Lower Your Small Business Marketing Cost

Revolutionize your small business marketing with ten low-cost, yet highly effective strategies. Unearth your brand's potential in the digital age!

Published onJune 19, 2023
Written byEzgi Arslantay
Timing5 min read

In an era where technology reigns supreme, small business marketing has become more important than ever. Despite the massive opportunities the digital space provides, many small businesses are yet to fully grasp the power of effective marketing. However, an understanding of the right marketing strategies for small businesses is a stepping stone towards building a successful brand. In this guide, we'll explore how strategies like social media marketing, collaborations, content creation, and more can transform the way small businesses connect with their customers. Get ready to unlock the world of small business marketing and its potential!

In today's competitive market landscape, small businesses face a daunting task when it comes to marketing their products or services. But don't worry! A smart blend of traditional and digital marketing strategies can help your small business grow without stretching your budget thin.

As a marketing expert who has seen the rise and fall of many small businesses, I can affirm that marketing success lies in being cost-efficient, original, and, most importantly, customer-focused. So, here are ten cost-efficient strategies that you can use to elevate your small business marketing, all tested and verified by successful businesses around the globe.

people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers

While it's true that big-budget marketing plans can get your business to a great height, small business marketing companies have proven that with creativity and a strategic approach, you can achieve significant results on a smaller budget. Local marketing, for example, is an affordable strategy that places your business right in front of the community that needs it. With the help of a local SEO company, small businesses can ensure their products or services are easily found by consumers in their locality.

When it comes to developing marketing plans for small businesses, it's crucial to remember that each business is unique and there's no one-size-fits-all strategy. The trick lies in identifying what works for your specific business and audience. In an era where consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements, it's your unique touch that can set you apart. Small business advertising, therefore, should not just be about selling a product or service, but about telling a story and building a connection with the consumer.

1. Leverage Social Media: Social media isn't just about sharing selfies and memes; it's a powerful small business advertising tool. For instance, Katie Dufort, a Miami-based baker, skillfully used Instagram to convert her baking passion into a booming business, reaching customers globally. Social media offers a two-way interaction path, allowing you to engage customers and build loyalty.

The power of social media marketing for small business cannot be overstated. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter provide an incredible opportunity for small businesses to create meaningful interactions with their audience. With features like targeted ads, these platforms allow businesses to reach consumers with precision, offering them products or services based on their preferences and browsing history.

2. Local Advertising: The phrase "Think globally, act locally" holds true for marketing. Building strong relationships within the local community can substantially increase your business's visibility. Texas-based small advertising firm owner, Howard Hurst, boosted his local presence by sponsoring a local baseball team, demonstrating how community involvement can drive loyalty and trust.

3. Content Marketing: Creating high-quality, relevant content is an excellent way to attract potential customers and build your brand's credibility. According to a HubSpot report, companies that blog get 55% more website visitors, making content marketing a potent online marketing strategy for small businesses.

4. Collaborate with Other Businesses: Collaboration is an underestimated, yet highly effective strategy. Robert Walker-Smith’s automotive repair shop in Michigan expanded its customer base by partnering with a local car dealership, proving the power of strategic alliances in business growth.

One of the key aspects to consider when diving into small business marketing is the art of collaboration. By partnering with other businesses, you can leverage each other's audience to increase your visibility. This strategy not only allows you to reach a wider audience but also provides an opportunity to offer combined services or products, creating a win-win situation for both businesses and the consumers.

5. Implement SEO: SEO improves your website's visibility on search engines. A report by Junto shows that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, making SEO a crucial component of any online marketing strategies for small businesses.

6. Email Marketing: Email marketing can yield high returns, but only when executed right. Offering valuable content or discounts in exchange for email addresses is a good starting point. Subsequently, these relationships can be nurtured with regular newsletters.

7. Utilize Video Marketing: Videos are an effective marketing tool. A Wyzowl survey reveals that 84% of people say they've been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand's video.

8. Online Directories: Local digital marketing goes beyond improving your website's visibility on search engines. It involves optimizing your online content to attract, engage, and convert local customers. It’s about making your business known and well-regarded in your local community. Leveraging online resources such as Google My Business, Bing Places, and Yelp not only helps in increasing your online presence but also boosts your credibility among local consumers.

9. Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing can significantly amplify your reach. A Mediakix study predicts that the ad spend for influencer marketing could reach $10 billion by the end of 2022.

10. Provide Excellent Customer Service: A survey by Microsoft found that 90% of Americans use customer service as a factor in deciding whether or not to do business with a company. Good customer service leads to repeat customers and positive referrals.

Marketing StrategyExpected CostPotential Benefits
Social MediaLowHigh Reach, Customer Engagement
Content MarketingModerateBrand Credibility, Customer Engagement
SEOModerateHigh Visibility, More Traffic
Email MarketingLowHigh Conversion Rates, Customer Retention
Referral ProgramsLowCustomer Acquisition, Customer Loyalty
PartnershipsVariableExpanded Reach, Resource Sharing
Community InvolvementLowLocal Visibility, Strong Relationships
Online AdvertisingHighTargeted Reach, Customer Acquisition
Customer Retention ProgramsModerateCustomer Retention, Increased Sales
NetworkingLowNew Opportunities, Collaborations


Q1: What is the most cost-effective marketing strategy for small businesses? Social media and email marketing often provide excellent returns due to their low costs and high potential reach.

Q2: How can I measure the effectiveness of my marketing efforts? Tools such as Google Analytics, conversion rates, customer acquisition costs, and customer lifetime value can be useful.

Q3: Is it necessary to use all these strategies? It's crucial to choose the strategies aligning with your business goals, resources, and the preferences of your target audience.

Q4: How often should I review and adjust my marketing strategies? Regular reviews, at least quarterly, are essential for maintaining strategy effectiveness.

Q5: What is the importance of networking in marketing? Networking can open up new opportunities, lead to valuable partnerships, and help you learn from others' successes and failures.

In the end, the power of small business marketing lies in its ability to create a connection with consumers. It's about understanding your audience, their needs, and their aspirations, and then tailoring your strategies to meet them. By leveraging the strategies discussed in this guide, you can move from just being a business to becoming a brand that resonates with your audience. So, whether you're just starting your small business journey or you've been on the path for a while, it's never too late to revamp your marketing strategy and scale new heights. Remember, in the world of marketing, consistency is key, and success is a journey, not a destination. Happy marketing!

Small Business Marketing

Ezgi Arslantay

Co-Founder & CEO at fucimo

Ezgi Arslantay is a marketing professional and entrepreneur with a diverse background in brand strategy, marketing management, and business development. As the co-founder of fucimo, she assists SMBs and startups to reach and buy media, and enables creators and media networks to increase monetization through innovative technology. Before co-founding fucimo, Ezgi navigated diverse roles in both rising startups and household brands. Follow her fucimo blog for the freshest insights as she explores the intersection of technology, advertising, and business.

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